
16 Useful Windows Registry Hacks to Optimize Your ...

2023年1月14日 — 16 Useful Windows Registry Hacks to Optimize Your Experience · 1. Add Command Prompt to Context Menu · 2. Revert to Windows 10-style Start Menu · 3 ...

8 Windows 10 Registry Tweaks to Improve & Unlock Features

2021年8月3日 — 8 Windows 10 Registry Tweaks to Improve & Unlock Features · 1. Say Goodbye to the Lockscreen · 2. Lower Shutdown Times · 3. Beautify Windows ...

Download MajorGeeks Windows Tweaks

MajorGeeks Windows Tweaks contains over 200 files, less than 3MB total, including Registry, PowerShell, Visual Basic, Shortcuts, and Batch Files to enable ...

How to Speed Up Your PC by Tweaking

Boost Startup Speeds. Windows 10 boots up surprisingly fast. But you can boost startup times even more with a slight registry tweak. To do that, follow these ...

Registry Tweaks Windows 10

Registry Tweaks Windows 10. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.


A simple, easy to use powershell script to remove bloatware apps from windows, disable telemetry, bing in windows search aswell as perform various other ...

Top 10 Useful Windows 10 Registry Hacks You Need to ...

2023年2月28日 — Here is all the information about the top 10 Windows 10 registry hacks. This post has introduced the top 10 Windows 10 registry tweaks for you.

Windows Registry tweaks to improve performance and ...

2023年7月4日 — Here are 10 of the best Windows 11/10 Registry Tweaks that will help improve your Windows performance and optimize your computing ...


2023年1月14日—16UsefulWindowsRegistryHackstoOptimizeYourExperience·1.AddCommandPrompttoContextMenu·2.ReverttoWindows10-styleStartMenu·3 ...,2021年8月3日—8Windows10RegistryTweakstoImprove&UnlockFeatures·1.SayGoodbyetotheLockscreen·2.LowerShutdownTimes·3.BeautifyWindows ...,MajorGeeksWindowsTweakscontainsover200files,lessthan3MBtotal,includingRegistry,PowerShell,VisualBasic,Shortcuts,andBatc...